Ashbrow School Birkby Junior School Birkby Infant and Nursery School Christ Church CE Academy Fixby Junior and Infants School North Huddersfield Trust School St Thomas CE vc Primary School
Ashbrow SchoolBirkby Junior SchoolBirkby Infant and Nursery SchoolChrist Church CE AcademyFixby Junior and Infants SchoolNorth Huddersfield Trust SchoolSt Thomas CE vc Primary School

Strategic Overview

This model illustrates who the partners are and how each school is led by a core group of Head Teachers and Governors. This enables the school improvement process to be stragecially designed to reflect the current needs of each school.

There are many ways to engage our schools in collaboration, all of which are focused and specific. Some of the examples below offer some insight into our process.

Learning Walks

Taking a closer look at learning

Our Head Teacher learning walks take place each half term. This allows all of our Head Teachers to get into the classrooms and corridors to look closely at the learning. The sessions begin with a careful briefing before assessing how the provision looks, finishing with documented feedback. We believe that we can learn from each other and that we can assess each school before discussing further possibilities.

These walks can inform further planning, with all of the staff involved afterwards withint this process.

Joint Observations

By observing learning together, we can improve our observation skills as well as supporting our teaching staff.

Further to our observations, our staff have the opportunity to observe the learning in detail. This allows the observer to collaborate and to discuss the learning. Through this process the observers can learn from each other so that the feedback and further outcomes are good. The staff being observed also have the opportinity to discuss their practise in closer detail and in a wider context.

Subject and Aspect Collaboration

Working together at all levels can help us evaluate each school more effectively.

By building good relationships across the family of schools, our staff can spend time together furthering their understanding of each aspect of school life. This would include meetings with assessment, inclusion or subject coordinators, to moderate and review each area of school life. We can also help each other to manage changes more effectively and to make sure that improvements impact directly on outcomes for our children.

Collaborative Governance

Our experienced Governors are a critical part of the learning community.

Our Governors take the opportunity to meet and to discuss our school community. These regular meetings often address wider local and national issues that impact directly on our schools. Discussions, meetings and presentations,  allow the forum to look closely into the future and to be able to make judgements and decisions from a thorough and broad point of knowledge. These topical discussions can then be shared through each full governing body meetings so that everyone is well informed.

NHLC Head Teacher Meetings

Our seven Head Teachers meet every half term to work together.

Each meeting that the Head Teachers attend has an agenda which has the capacity to improve outcomes. The meetings will often include third parties that the group of schools work with. These meetings enable our school leaders to plan and implement opportunities as well as to discuss partnerships, collective and individual school improvement.

Staff CPD

Continued Professional Development

Opportunities to enable our staff to learn and develop are well supported by key speakers and educational organisations. By working together with a clear focus on aspects of provision, we can make informed decisions about what we do. This approach also offer the chance for the schools to collaborate further and for key professionals to evaluate and enhance.

Curriculum Enrichment

A creative school experience.

The foundations of our schools are rooted in personal development. We employ staff across the schools who coordinate and organise opportunities beyond the curriculum. This could include supporting attendance, employment, medical needs as well as sport, art and other enrichment. This provision often transcends the school day, taking place in the holidays or at weekends. Our Enrichment Activity Faciitator also supports these projects by accessing funding and building relationships with other providers and organisations.

Further Partnerships

A broader perspective.

Whilst the North Huddersfield Learning Community commits to close working relationship, we also value a wider perspective when evaluating what we do. This allows us to access professional relationships with other schools who may be very different. This allows us to judge our own provision and to consider further opportunities. Collaboration locally and nationally can have a significant impact on what happens next in our schools.


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